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Getting healthy

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I don't know about you, but I've struggle with my weight for most of my life. Wait - what am I talking about? I believe MOST of us have this problem! Seriously, my weight goes up and then down. And now it's up - go figure.  However, I thought of this - every Monday, why not start telling and sharing about my journey?

Since last - oh - Tuesday, I've been eating cleaner and been tracking on what I've been eating 70% of the time.  I also been adding a bit more activity into my day as well. It's kind of encouraging to see my activity giving me added calories to intake throughout my day. Your probably wondering what I use as a tracker. Have you heard of My Fitness Pal? It's really a great tool to help you drop weight. If you track everything you eat, your more in likely to drop those darn pesky pounds you want gone.

Here's the best advice I've received that has kind of been my "Ah-HA" moment: Don't look ahead and see the whole mountain, instead, take it one step at a time.

This is my whole overall goal:

- I really want to drop 30 lbs.
- Run a 10k to a Half by Sept. 28th (Found the race I'm going to sign up for)
- Eating a lot more clean.

Oh gosh.. But here is my before shot. Its awful and so embarrassing that I'm putting myself out there like this.  Please be nice.

Urg! That's embarrassing! Who wants to join this journey with me? I'll give this challenge series 3 months and show my progress, recipes, workouts along the way. :)

Going to get my sweat-on,

2 comments on "Getting healthy"
  1. I would do the half marathon with you if you send me the info.

    1. I'd love that! Yes! I'll send you the link. :)


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