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Ever need a pick me up? Yeah. I do to. It's been one of those weeks. Well, really the last couple of weeks to be precise. When I have a moment of down time, I like to explore on Pinterest to gain inspiration and at times, need some words to live by.  Maybe just need some good 'ol fashion advice or sometimes find some Ah-Ha moments! Take a look at these recent finds from Pinterest.

Cheers to a new beginning and to a fresh start! How was your New Year's? Mine - should you ask? Well, I was in bed by 9 o'clock sharp. Lame, I know.

I'm looking forward to this year and having a fresh start on other things. Many other things. I usually am not the type to set up some new years resolutions but I have made a list of doing  what I call fresh starts.  There are so many goals to my blog that I want to share with you as well. One of them, is changing my blog name. Maybe. The other, I've been getting a few requests to do more fashion posts, and doing more design/decor posts. There will be quite a few changes that will be happening on here. For now, they are going to be kept secret - just stay tuned!

My personal goals are to go as usual - like dropping those pesky pounds that I've been clinging onto for the past year. Another, I really want to read more - I need to.  Doing so,  I hope it'll to improve my writing skills. I think I'm not the best writer but I'm always looking to improve. My last goal for this year, is that I want to be a better photographer. Well, I think that is about it. Have you set any resolutions for yourself?

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