I bet you know by now that I love fall. There is no better way to add touches of coziness to your home with these few ideas that I put together for you. Here is are a few ways (and some afforable) that you can do now to make your home more cozy.
- Blankets. Lots and lots of blankets. Not just any blankets, but the one that are knit or faux fur to drape on chairs, your bed, or your couch.
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- Now you gotta have a lot of pillows to also cozy up to. LOVE pillows. The best kind are the down feathered pillows. And I think the best place to get affordable ones would be at Home Goods store or TJ Maxx. They are not only comfy but do fluff nice and hold a good shape.
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- Tea. Yes tea. Perfect simple way to make you feel extra cozy at night.
- Lighting. I love how task lighting can actually make a home interior just glow inside. Task lighting can be found easily by bed side lighting, lamps in the living room, or just simply dimming your lights.
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- Candles. Lots of them. Unless you have children and you may be better using Scentsy. Back at candles, I love the warm glow and the scents. Yankee Candle is a big favorite of mine. Then of course, if you have decor lanterns, candle pillars or whatever grab some general candles for those to.
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- Grab one of your vases and put flowers in them. Make it fit for the season. Just about anything will do for fall as long as it is fall-like colors. A no brainer right? Place them in you kitchen, on your kitchen table, on your bed side table, coffee table, office desk... Plenty of places! Keep in mind of scale to. Go big on kitchen table but go smaller on the bed side table and office desk. But really whatever you see fits.
- Bake up some of your pumpkin or apple recipes! Yum! This one is a favorite of mine or this one. By the way, they make your home smell A-mazing!
- Then lastly, pull out fall decor in general. Love bringing them out to start the season of the holidays! Don't forget to refer to this post or even this post to get your DIY juices going!
Thanks for visiting today! I hope your enjoying the fall season as much as I am.
Much love,
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