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Bedroom Makeover

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Being an emerging professional of interior design has its perks, don't get me wrong, but it also has its downfalls. The biggest downfall is that I'm surrounded by what I call "design couture". Great and beautiful things that I will probably never be able to afford. I've been to showrooms with rugs that are worth $30k! Yep, you heard me right folks, $30,000 rugs. Well, personally, I'd never ever spend that kind of money on rug. Anyway, there are so many other great finishes that are so beautiful and such a work of art and craftsmanship... I digress.

I need to get back to my bedroom... As a designer, I'm always looking to improve. I'm not even near the level I want to be at. So, I'll just practice some of those skills at home. My bedroom really needed to be updated but really can't afford (yet) of what I'd really love to do. Besides, it is a rental after all.

Here are the existing furniture:

- Bedroom set - Mine is fairly nice overall; it's a bit traditional looking.


- Keep the existing furniture then move furniture to the other wall, facing the window.

- Add more artwork to the walls.

- Add curtains.

- A reading nook chair in the corner by the window.

- A touch of contemporary

- Add more white to the bedding (This could be dangerous folks. If any of you know my husband, he                                                         is truely a mans mans and likes to get dirty)
- Do my own artwork, and photography. This will be added to the walls.

- Make this as affordable as possible!!

Now bare with me on this, this is may take a while for me to complete for the after. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, this should be and will be a home investment!

Here is my concept board (or inspiration board) for my room. My goal is to give it more of a contemporary feel but it'll be more of a eclectic feel due to the existing bedroom pieces which are a traditional style. The colors used would be black, grays, browns, with accents of silver, gold, and hints of soft soft pink to add just a touch of girly to the room. The room will have more of a rustic flare to just so my husband will like it more. Just so that it can have a mans feel to the overall space.

You're probably wondering what the room looks like now. Well I got to starting on this project when I totally forgot to take my before. All that was done was move the bed and night stands to the  other. Plus it is pretty messy right now. Hey, I think it'll give the end results more drama when the after is revealed. 

See? Pretty messy. I've already been working on the after, and I'm already very happy with the current results. Thank you for visiting!


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